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Ready For A
Life-Changing Experience?

The Hero's Journey 2022

Your Call To Adventure

A 16-day expedition into the Peruvian Andes, designed for heart-driven entrepreneurs and professionals who are ready to revolutionise the way they live & work.

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Are You Ready To Elevate Into A Higher State Of Living?

In June 2022 we will host The Hero’s Journey, a 16-day expedition.

Inspired by the archetypal Hero's Journey, we will form a group
of 10 heart-driven individuals who will venture with us into Peru’s Cordillera Huayhuash.

One of the most breathtaking landscapes in the world.

This is a rare and unique opportunity for those who are seeking to take a break from their busy, demanding and overstimulated lives, whilst stretching themselves on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level.

An opportunity to zoom out and rethink what it means to live a full, rich and meaningful life.

An Exclusive Group Of Heart-driven Individuals.

This expedition is designed for an exclusive group of only 10 heart-driven individuals who:

Are open to disruptive ideas on success & well-being.

Are willing to deeply explore and stretch themselves.

Are or wish to contribute to a better, more united world.

Open to connect, share and collaborate with like-minded peers.

4 Reasons To Join The Hero's Journey:

days of hiking through one of the most breathtaking landscapes in the world.
hours of training designed to help you revolutionise the way you work & live.
circles focused on self-expression through open, honest and meaningful conversations.
individuals who are open to disruptive ideas and willing to make life-changing decisions.

Join Us In June 2022

This expedition is for 10 people only, and currently, we're offering our final 6 spots for a price of $4500,-. These spots are only available upon request. To join us on this life-changing experience, please click below to book an introduction call with Jord.

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only 6 spots left

20.000-Foot Peaks.
16.000-Foot Passes.
Stunning Alpine Lakes.

The Cordillera Huayhuash is considered to be the most spectacular trekking circuit of the Peruvian Andes.

Over the course of 16 days we go off the grid, meaning no phones or email, while hiking the entire Cordillera, traversing epic mountain passes, camping near lakes guarded by snow-covered peaks, and following trails set by the explorers of forgotten eras.

We’ll set up our camp near places such as the Siulá Grande mountain, known from Joe Simpson’s epic mountaineering story 'Touching the Void’.

And each morning we will wake up — slightly sleep-deprived – in frost-covered tents, feeling more alive than you ever did!

The Journey Within.

During and in between hikes Jord will guide and mentor you towards and through the beliefs, blindspots and barriers that have been holden you back from fully trusting, expressing and living your truth.

On this journey, he will encourage you to:

Explore rituals and practises that allow you to (re)connect to your life-force and the wisdom of your intuition, empowering you to move forward with clarity, strength and resilience.
Discover the hidden parts of your potential that are currently holding you back from trusting and doing what you know at the deepest level to be right and true for yourself.
Rethink what your standards and norms so that you can reset your baseline, enabling your to achieve your goals without having to abandon parts of yourself or your life.
Turn your lessons-learned into a Northstar that’s deeply aligned with your values and integrity, whilst making a hard commitment that will revolutionise the way you work & live.

Accompanied By An Experienced Team

As much as we like to take the lead, we will be accompanied by an experienced guide, a chef and a handler of a mule train with our tents, sleeping bags, food, water, etc.

We don’t have to do any heavy lifting but you are expected to carry your own clothes and personal items.

The trek is challenging, but doable for anyone with willpower and reasonable level of fitness.

Elevation varies from 3300 to 5000 meters with quite a few descents and ascents. We will discover many things while we are out hiking, most importantly:

The way back to freedom, peace & joy.

Your Call To Adventure

If you've been waiting for an opportunity to explore and challenge yourself, then this is your call.

Because of the exclusive and intensive nature of this expedition, the spots are only available for people who are ready to be 100% honest with themselves and willing to face the physical and personal challenges that will arise.

Currently, we're offering our final 6 spots for a price of $4500,-.

These spots are only available upon request, to join us on this life-changing experience, please click on the below to book your intro call with Jord.

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I thoroughly enjoyed working with Jord, albeit challenging at times. The challenging of my thinking, unquestionable compassion, support & ability to fill the gaps during some of the darkest days when I was left questioning my reality, and frankly my sanity was crucial to my journey & upward swing of life. Jord was able to guide me to a new way of viewing myself and the world — what I thought was working, wasn’t really working and he offered up many tools and resources to help re-orient my focus and direction in business and personal relations. To date, I still use the lessons we uncovered together. Bravo Jord!

Lincoln Westerman
Founder Yugo | Sydney, Australia

I started working with Jord during a very difficult season in life. I was feeling defeated after many months of walking into walls with business, and repeating old patterns that I thought were left in the past. Jord was able to see that below the surface, cracks in the foundations of my self-worth were feeding into the dysfunction I was experiencing.

Working with Jord was one of the best decisions I've ever made, and I'm beyond grateful for the intentionality, depth, care, accountability, and safety he created.

Alexandra Saper
Recovering lawyer & coach | Phoenix, USA

Working with Jord opened my eyes in many ways. One of the reasons I once chose the path of entrepreneurship was to be in control of my own life and enjoy a certain sense of freedom, yet at the moment I reached out to Jord I worked almost 24/7 in an attempt to keep my head above water. After diving into the deep end (looking within) I now understand how my ‘high standards’ kept me stuck in the cycle that I was trying to break free from. Spending 24+ hours of 1:1 coaching and completely rebuilding my value system was a journey which made the biggest shift in my mindset so far. Thanks a million, Jord!

Mike de Goede
Founder HNGVR | Amsterdam, The Netherlands

I’ve tried many different types of therapy, but nobody ever helped me the way Jord did. He showed me how I conditioned myself to stay in survival mode, whilst creating a safe environment for me to explore and unlearn what was no longer serving me. This, in combination with the foundational work of establishing my value system and expressing my boundaries, has made it easy to navigate life. Jord has been invaluable in overcoming my panic attacks, re-building relationships with family, and stepping into my full potential in my career.

Lois van der velden
Model & Artists | Canggu, Bali

I decided to work with Jord because deep down I sensed something wasn’t quite right. I just sold my company and still felt a lingering sense of dissatisfaction and a compulsion to chase the next thing. Jord helped me to address the 'inconvenient truth' that kept me stuck in — what he calls — the constant game of one-upmanship against self & others. His guidance, along with the framework & tools that he provided, has allowed me to rediscover who I am at my core and pursue the right things, at the right time and for the right reasons.

Daan Smit
Founder, Brandfirm & Benksy | Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Jord is compassionate yet extremely direct and powerful in his approach. No pretentious difficult jargon, just real and relatable conversations. His guidance, along with the structure and tools of the program, has empowered me to embrace my potential, set boundaries and express myself among other C-level executives.
Empowering, to say the least.

Alice Hoes
CPO, H&M New Business | Berlin, German

I started working with Jord because I was being pushed and pulled by the whims of life, bouncing from one thing to the next and sacrificing my autonomy and control. I like Jord his direct and honest approach and I feel we really connected on a deep level, but above all, I am astounded by the results that we have achieved together. I've made life-changing decisions and I am now moving forward with greater clarity and confidence. I truly believe Jord can help you become the possible version of yourself. He certainly helped me!

Frank Smit
COO OBIwan | Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Working with Jord has allowed me to create a personal blueprint for my personal and professional life. It feels as if the coaching has tapped a row of domino stones in the right direction, which has opened the door to many new opportunities; I moved to another country where I now have my dream job, experience less social pressure and where I am surrounded by beautiful nature. It was the best investment I've ever made.

Virginie Gols Linthorst
Dentist | Bern, Switzerland

Eye-opening. Jord is extremely dedicated to his cause and knows how to get to the root of the problem. It’s an understatement to say that it has helped me to navigate complex challenges in my business as well as to establish the foundation for a new, more sustained, way to success. A must-do for every entrepreneur!

Ben Booterkoper
CEO at CIL China | Guangzhou, China

Date & Details

Date: 10 - 26 June 2022

What is and is not included:

Hotel Lima first night

The Self-Improvement Blueprint

​Arrival dinner Lima

​10 hours of Personal Mastery training

​Lima historical city walking tour

​Hotel Huaraz after the trek

​Transfer to Huaraz by executive bus

​Epic night in downtown Huaraz after the trek

​Acclimatization trek to Laguna 69

Transfer from Huaraz back to Lima

All hotel stays in Huaraz prior to the trek

Flight to and from Lima

​10 days of trekking with an experienced guide, mule train, three meals a day and all necessary camping supplies

Food in Huaraz prior to the trek

​Food and beverages during the trek

​Alcoholic Beverages (except for last night in Huaraz)

Elevate Your Life.

You can wait for pain and suffering, or learn and change in a state of joy and inspiration.

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